Welcome to Owen's Page! We are happy that you stopped by! Because we have family and friends so far away from us, we decided to start a page so family and friends can keep up on us and Owen! It seems a little late to start it now but late is better than never! :)
Owen Steven Engelbert was born 8 weeks ago today on Thursday, December 18th. He arrived at 9:16 p.m. Owen weighed 6 lbs. 15 ounces, was 20 1/4 inches long. He was born at the Baylor Medical Center in Frisco. The experience was wonderful and the nurses and doctor gave us the best care possible. I almost didn't want to leave! :)
I was induced for insurance reasons. We met our deductible for the year and had Owen been born after the first of the year, we would have had to pay a significant amount more out of pocket. After being induced, I would not recommend it to anyone. There are a lot of risks and I feel like I took God's timing into my own hands. Everything turned out to be fine but I will not do an induction again. Below, I am getting some "skin to skin" bonding time, and Doug is smiling at our new little guy!
We left the hospital on the 20th in the afternoon. The first night home was very hard, just like all those shows you see on TLC. It's tough. I got 2 hours of sleep and was a mess the next day. I was scared for the second night. Luckily, Owen has been sleeping well every night since then!Below, Owen is dressed and ready to head home!
Grandma Engelbert came to visit shortly after we came home from the hospital, for a week. She helped us out around the house and spent Christmas with us. We really appreciated all her help and Owen loved meeting Grandma.
Grandpa Bresser, Grandma MJ, and Aunt Amy came 10 days later. Owen loved meeting them too! They were also here for a week! In fact, Grandma MJ can't wait until July to see Owen, so she is coming back in April! We can't wait for her return, and to see how fast Owen is growing!
At Owen's 1 month appointment, he weighed 7 lbs, 15 ounces. He was in the 5-25% for weight, 25-50% for his height, and 50-75% for the size of his head! We are going to have a smart man! He goes back for his 2 month appointment at the end of February.The pictures below are when he is just over a month old.
Today Owen is 8 weeks old! I can't believe it! He started cooing and smiling at us instead of because of gas. He has been a little colicky but I think we are figuring out the problem. Owen is a sweet little boy and we are excited to see the little man that he is becoming!
Keep checking back, we will add more posts and try to add video! Emily, you may have to help me with this! Thanks!
We are a family of three now, unless you count the animals! We moved to Texas 2 years ago, so Doug could teach. Owen is the newest addition to the family and we are excited to have him here!