Wait a minute! Didn't I just post the Six Month Blog? Whatever! We are loving parenthood! Our little monkey is just too much fun to handle! Owen doesn't have a doctor's appointment this month so no shots for now! Yeah!
We have decided to finally have Owen sleep in his own bed in his own room. He has been in the bassinet in our room since birth. We were keeping him in the room with us downstairs because we thought we could get away with not cooling the upstairs. Well, after two nights of not wanting to go to bed until after midnight and waking up crying in the middle of the night, we said enough! Owen hasn't been put on a routine until now. I thought for sure that I wouldn't get any sleep with him so far away but it happens. Sleep overtakes you and you fall into a deep coma. So now I pray diligently that Owen sleeps well through the night and that God protects him. Now Doug and I sleep better at night and so does Owen! He has been sleeping 10-12 hours a night!!!!
I have been trying to take off weight since Owen has come. To accomplish this, I have decided to try running again. Funny, I know, but don't worry, you won't see me doing it! :) Doug took some pictures just before I was ready to go for a run. I wanted to see what Owen would look like with a bandana on his head! We took Owen on his first trip to the swimming pool. It was so funny to watch him. He is such a people watcher! At first, I don't know if he knew what to think of the whole ordeal but after he got used to it, he had a blast! Grandma MJ bought him is little swimming outfit and daddy got him the cool airplane floatie! We met up with my cousin's Haven and Steven again and took some more pictures of the boys. It was a blast to see how they interacted with each other. We can't wait until little Knox is older so he can interact with Owen a little more! (Knox is 3 1/2 months old in this picture and Owen is 6 1/2 months old.)
We are a family of three now, unless you count the animals! We moved to Texas 2 years ago, so Doug could teach. Owen is the newest addition to the family and we are excited to have him here!
oh my achin back the Knox looks like a big boy! ;) What fun pix you have shared! Love to peek and be updated! ;) Hope your week is going well!