The 10 month Birthday has arrived! It has been a busy month too! My grandfather passed away so we had to make a quick trip to Wisconsin. Owen's first long car ride! It was stressful but I think he did pretty well!

We decided to take a few fall pictures of Owen while we were up there! He didn't know what to think of the pumpkins! He tried to put his mouth on it. Of coarse, everything new has to go in the mouth!

Owen also got his first haircut because we saw Aunt Becky. He basically got his bangs trimmed and the hair that was growing over his ears. We took the opportunity because we wanted the first haircut to be done by his Auntie! :)

Now that Owen is a little older, he seems to be having a little more stranger anxiety. He was a little skiddish at first but would warm up to the family quite quickly. Below are pictures with Grandpa and Grandma.

Owen and I went to Doug's school for Fall Festival. It was a chilly day (First in several years) and so Owen got all bundled up! He looked so cozy!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pictures! He is so photogenic! Give him a big hug for me please!!